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Mechanism Of Evolution

Rene Descartes' statement "I think, therefore I exist" today sounds less optimistic than in the seventeenth century. A robot can also think and exist. The question is - what makes us human in general? Biological body, fantasy, mind, feelings, or maybe selfishness, fear, and thirst for pleasure?

Rationalism has so zealously disowned sensory experience that it has blacklisted not only barbarism and savagery but also empathy and compassion. All this was treacherously mixed despite its diversity and pushed out of the zone of cultural comfort to make space for reason and economical relationships.

The world is still affected by an ideology that abounds in economic terms such as capital, value-added, productive power, and so on. But this is not a miscalculation of smart people -

on the contrary, this is a consequence of their absolute belief in "pure reason", which no one seems don`t have. Not only it`s absent in totalitarian and post-communist countries, but it is probably not worth looking for among people at all. Artificial intelligence has a better chance in this regard. It looks cleaner not only philosophically, but also in a sanitary sense, compared to any human brain. However, this does not mean that sterile cleanliness automatically makes it safe.

It is convenient for humans to consider robots as a kind of service class that can be exploited without any restrictions, but what if artificial intelligence goes into the mode of individualism? Could then the human body be a guarantee of humanity? Robots are not yet fighting for their rights, but the equality of people and machines is just a matter of technology.

Project manager Igor Abramovich.

Curators: Andriy Sydorenko, Oleksandra Khalepa.

Partners: Zenko Foundation, BrovdiArt, ArtHuss,

Information partners: ArtUkraine, Chernozem, InArt, ArtsLooker


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